
Hey there, tech enthusiasts! It's Orohym here, and I'm excited to share my experience of building my own handmade NAS/home server in this blog. As a tech and DIY enthusiast, I'm always on the lookout for exciting and challenging projects, and building a server has been one of my most thrilling projects yet. In this post, I'll be discussing why I decided to build a server and the requirements I had for it. So, let's dive in!

Why build a server?

As we all know, we're becoming increasingly dependent on cloud services to store our data and stream media. While these services are convenient, they come with their own set of challenges and limitations. Building a server is a great way to break free from these limitations and take control of your data. It also provides a level of privacy that can't be achieved with cloud services. With this in mind, I decided to explore the available tools and technologies and build my own server. Moreover, building and creating things excite me, and by doing it myself, I can adapt everything to suit my needs the best.

My Server Requirements

With the motivation for creating a server established, the next step was to identify the exact requirements I would need. Therefore, I meticulously wrote down all the requirements that my server needed to meet before starting the project. These requirements included backup storage for my MacOs and Windows devices, a media storage solution for my movies, pictures, music, and e-books, a media server to stream my movies and music, and a smart home server to automate various tasks and control my smart home devices. With the requirements for my server clearly defined, the next step was to start building. Here's how I went about it.

The Building Process

To build my server, I conducted research on the available hardware, software, and tools that could help me achieve my goals. After much consideration, I settled on the hardware and software that met my requirements and budget. I'll explain this in detail in the next post, and future posts will detail specific steps that I took to build this server.


I hope this blog post provides you with some inspiration and guidance on how to build your own server. I'll try to provide as many references as I can to justify the choices that I've made. Of course, it's up to you to adapt these ideas to your personal case. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you in the next post! 😊

PS: As a way to improve my knowledge in web development, I made the decision to code this website from scratch. The design of the website was highly inspired by I hope you enjoy exploring the website as much as I enjoyed creating it!